
Anger Management

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  • What is something that you can do at home to calm down?
    Any answer
  • היית צריך להגיד לו שזה עיצבן אותך
    You should have told him it annoyed you
  • What are 2 things that make you happy?
    Student's choice
  • What is a coping skill that you have tried that you know doesn't work for you?
    Any answer
  • Name a TV, movie, video game or book character who is NOT good at controlling their anger?
    Any answer
  • what was the last thing that made you angry ?
  • הוא צריך לפרוק את זעמו
    You should have stayed calm instead of exploding
  • why are Israelies angry ?
  • Tell me about a time that you handled your anger very well
    Any answer
  • three words that mean anger 
  •  בילנו ערב בנעימים ופתאום הוא התעצבן ללא סיבה
    We were having a pleasant evening and suddenly he got upset for no reason
  • הוא מאד לחוץ בעבודה בחודש האחרונים, הוא מתרגז מכל דבר
    He's been very stressed at work for the last month, he's upset about everything
  •  בהתחלה הוא התעצבן אבל הצלחתי להרגיע אותו
    At first he was upset but I managed to calm him down
  • . זעם דרכים היא תופעה ידועה ומוכרת
    Road rage is a well-known and familiar phenomenon
  • Name 1 thing that makes you angry
    Any answer
  • Name a TV, movie, video game, or book character who IS good at controlling their emotions
    Any answer
  • do you think the way you express anger can't be changed.
  • Name things that can help calm you down when you are upset
  • Who is someone that makes you angry?
    ex. friend, sibling, parent, teacher
  •  הוא רתח מעצבים כששמע שאולי יפוטר
    He was furious with designers when he heard he might be fired
  • Name a nouse that trigers you 
    any answer
  • לא הבנתי על מה הוא התפוצץ מעצבים ככה
    I did not understand why he fliped out like that
  • Tell about a time that you handled your anger badly
    Any answer
  • אנשים מתעצבנים עלי כל יום כנציג שירות
    People get mad at me every day as a service representative
  • אכלתי לו את החטיף בטעות והוא התחרפן
    I ate his snack by mistake and he freaked out
  • Why do you think taking deep breaths help calm you down?
    slows down your heart rate and distracts you.
  • Name 3 signs in your body that you know that you are angry
    ex. red cheeks, balled up fists, heart beating fast, feeling hot or cold
  • Name a TV, movie, video game or book character who makes you angry
    Any answer