
Unit 6.Long ago and Today

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  • Use INSTEAD to connect the sentences.
    Long ago, people had pocket watches. Now they use digital watches instead.
  • Use INSTEAD to connect the sentences.
    In the past, people didn't watch TV. They listened to the radio instead.
  • Use BUT to connect the sentence.
    Long ago, people grew their own food, but now they buy food from the supermarket.
  • Use INSTEAD to connect the sentences.
    Long ago, women made clothes. Now they buy clothes at store instead.
  • Use BUT to connect the sentence.
    Long ago, people used candle lights, but now they have electric lights.
  • Use BUT to connect the sentence.
    Long ago, people washed clothes by hand, but now they have washing machines
  • Use INSTEAD to connect the sentences.
    In the past, people watched black and white TV. Today, they watch colour TV instead
  • Use BUT to connect the sentence.
    In the past, children walked to school, but today they ride their bikes.