
Idiom Game 1

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  • Brian felt pretty good about getting the a pair of roller-skates for his birthday, until he saw his twin brother Ryan open up his GameBox X-9000. Then Brian felt like he got the short end of the stick.
    Unfair or unfavorable treatment
  • World famous country western super group The Mountain Boys can sell out a venue at the drop of a hat.
    Very quickly
  • Bobby would have been playing ball until the cows came home if it hadn’t been for Suzie dragging him home for dinner.
    Doing something for a very long time
  • Mrs. Robinson expects my presentation to be good, but I have been working on it every night for the last week, so I'm definitely going to knock her socks off.
    To affect or impress someone in a very strong and favorable way
  • Brad was accusing us of stealing his phone until he found it. Now he’s trying to sweep it under the rug.
    Pretending that an incident never happened; hiding something
  • Even though Candace already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn’t want to burn bridges.
    Ruin a positive relationship with someone
  • The boy was caught cheating on his test. Now he has to face the music with the principal.
    To endure the consequences of one’s actions
  • At the library, Niko can kill two birds with one stone. He does his schoolwork and hang out with his friends.
    To do things by one action; to get two results with just one effort
  • I got it straight from the horse’s mouth that there’s going to be a pop quiz today, so I am going to study during lunch.
    Directly from the person or place that is the most reliable source or the best authority
  • Come quick! Your brother ate a lot of sugar and now he has gone bananas.
    To go crazy
  • Mary thinks that if she goes to Washington DC, she’ll run into the president on the street and tell him her ideas. What a pie-in-the-sky idea!
    Something not possible; an unrealistic hope
  • Keisha got up and started yelling at Ronnie, but Ronnie wasn't worried and didn’t even flinch because he knew that her bark was worse than her bite.
    Someone may seem much more unpleasant or hostile than they really are; loud, but not dangerous
  • After Ms. Smith caught Ava chewing gum for the third time, she scheduled a conference. When Ava’s mother came into Ms. Smith’s classroom, she was chewing gum. Ms. Smith thought to herself, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree."
    A child usually has a similar character or similar qualities to his or her parents
  • Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because they are very different; to him they were apples and oranges.
    So different from one another that they can not be compared
  • Everyone at school says they wish they were Billy Parker because he has everything, but if you saw the list of chores his parents give him, I guarantee that you wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
    In another persons position or situation
  • After going to the zoo, the mall, and the movies, Cassie was sick of bending over backwards to entertain her nieces.
    Trying very hard
  • Over the summer, Brian was really excited about being placed in the advanced math class, but after getting his syllabus on the first day and seeing the workload, he was ready to jump ship.
    To leave
  • You must not throw in the towel when the other team puts up great arguments. Try to push through it!
    To give up; to admit that you’re defeated; to quit
  • Vivian expected Craig to sob uncontrollably when she broke up with him; however, Craig kept a stiff upper lip.
    To show no emotions when upset; A steady and determined attitude or manner in the face of trouble.
  • Eric wanted to fix his cousin’s computer, but he was already having problems setting up his aunt’s Wi-Fi network and he didn’t want to open a whole new can of worms.
    Making a situation or problem more complicated
  • I felt like I was the only one stressing out about the project, but my friend told me "We're all in the same boat."
    All are in the same situation or have the same problem
  • If you’re late to the interview, you’ll miss the boat for the job.
    To lose an opportunity; to arrive too late and miss out on something
  • Tonight I’m pulling out all the stops: candlelight dinner, violin music, chocolates, the works! Then I’ll ask her to marry me.
    To do everything possible to succeed; to do something as enthusiastically as you can
  • I accidentally agreed to going to see the game and babysitting on the same night. Now I am in a pickle.
    I'm in a difficult situation