
reported questions

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  • He asked:”What would you do if you were a celebrity?”
    He asked me what I would have done if I had been a celebrity.
  • The commander asked:” Do our soldiers have enough weapons?”
    The commander wanted to know if their soldiers had enough weapons.
  • The instructor asked me if I had ever worked with groups from aboard
    The instructor asked me:” have you ever worked with groups from abroad?”
  • The watchmaker asked:” Did you buy this Swiss watch at my place”?
    The watchmaker asked if he/she had bought that Swiss watch at his place
  • They inquired:” Did you see Charles yesterday morning”?
    They inquired if I had seen Charles that morning.
  • The doctor wanted to know:” Have you had the symptoms for a long time?”
    The doctor wanted to know if I had had the symptoms for a long time.
  • Daddy wanted to know if Kevin was going to be a lawyer.
    Daddy wanted to know:” Are you going to be a lawyer Kevin?”
  • Sarah asked if she had to sweep the floor after work.
    Sarah asked:” Do I have to sweep the floor after work?”
  • The coach wanted to know:” Can you do your best boys?”
    The coach wanted to know from the boys if they could do their best.
  • She wanted to know if I had been informed about the meeting the day before. She wanted to know:
    ”Were you informed about the meeting yesterday?”
  • He asked:” Are we going to start work tomorrow?”
    He asked if they were going to start work the next day.
  • They inquired:” Have they ever been to America?”
    They inquired if they had ever been to America