
Lesson 9- Vocabulary

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  • describing a person who can wait or continue doing something unpleasant without complaining A. energetic B. patient C. from scratch
    B. patient
  • Describing a person who has a lot of energy, or an activity that requires a lot of energy A. unwind B. satisfying C. energetic
    C. energetic
  • To relax after being very busy, tense or worried A. conservative B. unwind C. energetic
    B. unwind
  • Producing or using new and effective ideas , results, etc. A. satisfying B. patient C. creative
    C. Creative
  • Making you feel relaxed or happier A. energetic B. unwind C. therapeutic
    C. therapeutic
  • To communicate what you think or feel A. therapeutic B. express oneself C. from scratch
    B. express oneself
  • Not liking changes or new ideas A. conservative B. energetic C.unwind
    A. conservative
  • making you feel pleased- usually because you have achieved something A. satisfying B. therapeutic C. creative
    A. satisfying
  • From the beginning without using things that already exist A. patient B. from scratch C. conservative
    B. from scratch