
Creation Story

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  • A term which means worshipping many gods.
    Polytheism or Polytheistic
  • Give one repeated phrase in the creation process.
    "And God saw that it was good." "The first day" etc...
  • Why was the purpose for creating Eve?
    Be a partner with Adam in ruling God's creation
  • A term which means worshipping one god.
    Monotheism or Monotheistic
  • What was the first job of Adam?
    Naming each living creature
  • Day 3 creation
    dry land; plants
  • What was God's first words when He created?
    "Let there be light" - Genesis 1:3
  • Day 2 creation
    Firmament or Atmosphere
  • What did God call the man He created?
    His own image
  • Day 1 creation
    earth, light, day & night, TIME
  • The two kinds creatures made on Day 6.
    land animals and man
  • What does "according to its kind" means?
    Each created will reproduce the same kind.
  • Why is the creation story important to the first hearers (Hebrews)?
    Their God, the only one god, is the Creator.
  • What day did God create sun, moon and stars?
    Day 4
  • Day 5 creation
    flying animals and sea creatures
  • What does it mean to be bearer of God's image?
    Rule over God's creation