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  • What type of mammal are human beings?
  • Name 2 marsupials.
    Kangaroo, wombat, koala
  • What is a baby rabbit called?
    A kitten!
  • Name 1 monotreme.
    Platypus or echidna
  • What are the three types of mammals?
    Marsupials, monotremes and placentals.
  • Where do marsupials carry their young until they are fully developed?
    In their pouch!
  • Name 3 mammals.
    Cow, whale, rabbit, human, platypus, koala, giraffe etc
  • What do ALL mammals have in common?
    They feed milk to their young. They are warm-blooded.
  • What do MOST mammals have in common?
    They have fur/hair. Their babies are born alive.