
Move to Your Name

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  • Names with the letter A, CHOMP your arms 10 times like an alligator.
    Great job!
  • Names with the letter B, BOUNCE up and down 15 times.
    Very bouncy!
  • Names with the letter N, DO 10 toe touches.
    Up Down Up Down!
  • Names with the letter C, CLAP your hands above your head 10 times.
  • Names with the letter O, PRETEND you are an octopus and swing your arms around for 5 seconds.
  • Names with the letter Y, DONKEY KICK 10 times with each leg.
    Hee Haw!
  • Names with the letter F, FLAP your arms like a bird 20 times.
    You're flying!
  • Names with the letter U, DO 20 elbow knee touches.
    Did you feel the burn?
  • Names with the letter V, TWIST like you have a hula hoop.
  • Names with the letter E, PRETEND you are an elephant for 20 seconds.
    You did it!
  • Names with the letter T, TIP TOE around the room for 10 seconds.
    Be very quiet!
  • Names with the letter G, GALLOP like a horse for 30 seconds.
    Giddy Up!
  • Names with the letter D, DANCE around like a monkey for 45 seconds.
    Nice moves!
  • Names with the letter L, SQUAT down and JUMP up high 5 times.
    That was really high!
  • Names with the letter Z, JUMP forward 10 jumps with your feet together.
  • Names with the letter R, JUMP like a frog 10 times.
  • Names with the letter S, SKIP for 20 seconds.
    You are good!
  • Names with the letter H, HOP like a bunny 25 times.
    Hippity Hop!
  • Names with the letter J, JUMP on one foot 10 times and then switch feet and jump 10 more times.
    Everybody Jump Jump!
  • Names with the letter K, KICK to the side 10 times.
    Karate Kid!
  • Names with the letter M, SHAKE your hips side to side for the count of 15.
    Shake It!
  • Names with the letter W, WIGGLE all over for 20 seconds.
    Well done!
  • Names with the letter Q, STRETCH up high to the sky and then down to the ground 10 times.
    S T R E T C H!
  • Names with the letter P, PUNCH the air 15 times.
    You're warmed up now!
  • Names with the letter X, MARCH like a soldier for 10 seconds.
    Right Left Right!
  • Names with the letter I, DO 10 jumping jacks as high as possible.
    You burned 1 calorie!