
What is there?

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  • Are there any lions in Poland?
    No, there aren´t
  • Where is there a big volcano?
    There is a big volcano in....
  • What delicious food is there in Italy?
    There is Pizza, Lasagna, Sphaghetti, etc.
  • What animals are there in Australia?
  • How many Koreas are there?
    There are two Koreas. North and South.
  • What is there in Japan?
    There is a / There are
  • Where is there a statue?
    There is a statue in....
  • Are there any Kangaroos in The UK?
    No, There aren´t
  • Are there any hippos in Argentina?
  • There are some Polar Bears in The US. (True/False)
  • Where are there cactuses?
    There are cactuses in the dessert.
  • Where are there three big pyramids?
    There are three big pyramids in Egypt.
  • Is there a big mountain in Turkey?
    No, There isn´t
  • What is there in China?
  • What is there in Spain?
  • There is a big forest in Mexico. (true/false)