
Conversation starters

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  • If you could go on vacation, where would you go?
  • Would you rather have a movie theater or a pool in your house?
  • If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be?
  • What has been your favorite grade in school so far?
  • If you could have one wild animal as a pet, what would it be?
  • If you could be famous, what would you want to be famous for? (Ex: singer/actor/historian/athlete)
  • What was your favorite afternoon snack?
  • What is your favorite sport to watch or play?
  • What is your least favorite chore?
  • What is your favorite day of the week?
  • Would you rather have gold fish or Cheez-its?
  • Who are you closest to in your family?
  • What electronic device could you not live without?
  • What is the worst ice cream flavor?
  • What is a joke you find funny?
  • What is your favorite show or movie to watch?
  • If you could have an unlimited amount of something, what would it be?
  • What does the ideal weekend look like to you?
  • What is your favorite holiday?