
Multiple Meaning Words

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  • fly
    1. to move through the air with wings 2. to operate an airplane or other flying instrument 3. move quickly 4. an insect
  • bit
    1. small amount 2. part of a drill used to make holes 3. past tense of the word bite
  • ring
    1. outer edge of circle 2. jewelry worn on finger 3. enclosed area for sports or circus 4. to circle 5 a sound
  • hard
    1. not soft 2. difficult 3. strong effort
  • nail
    1. small metal spike that is usually driven into wood with a hammer 2. a hard growth at the end of a finger or toe
  • seal
    1. a design that is stamped 2. to close tightly 3. a fish-eating sea mammal
  • bark
    1. the harsh sound made by a dog 2. the outside cover of the trunks, branches, and roots of woody plants
  • play
    1. engage in fun activity 2. story written to be acted out 3. an action in a game 4. to make music 5.
  • Star
    1. The shape 2. A famous person (musician, singer, movie star).
  • rock
    1. stone/pebble 2. move back and forth 3. type of music
  • bat
    1. the club of wood or metal used to hit a ball 2. a small mammal that flies, with small body and wings covered with skin
  • pet
    1. a tame animal people keep in their homes as a companion 2. to pat or stroke
  • fair
    1. according to rules 2. no favors for either side 3. lovely 4. from rain or storms 5. average 6. light skin tone 7. entertainment with rides/stalls/exhibits
  • tire
    1. to become weak or sleepy 2. to lose interest or become bored 3. a rubber covering that fits around the rim of a wheel