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  • When will you visit your relatives?
    I will visit my relatives.....
  • What do you like to do when you visit your relatives?
    I like to ......
  • When will you have a birthday party?
    I will have a birthday party....
  • What is something you like to do with your family during the summer?
    I like to go swimming with my family.
  • If you could go anywhere you wanted for a school field trip, where would you go?
    I would go ...........
  • What is the bird doing?
    He is ...........
  • When will you plant a tree?
    I will plant a tree on the fifth of April.
  • When will you go on a field trip?
    I will go on a field trip.........
  • What do you see?
    I see .............
  • Describe what you want to do during your birthday party.
    I want to ..........
  • What do you like to do in the countryside with your family?
    I like to go hiking with my family.
  • What special activities do you do on March 1st?
    I usually............
  • When will you raise Taegeukgi?
    I will raise Taegeukgi, on the first day of March.
  • When do you do your homework?
    I do my homework....
  • Describe the birthday cake you want for your next birthday.
    I want ............
  • Why should we plant trees?
    We should plant trees because.....