
Comparatives and Superlatives Game

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  • Which is ____ (big), China or the United States?
    China is bigger than the United States.
  • Which country is ___ (far) from Spain, Brazil or Australia?
    Australia is farther from Spain than Brazil.
  • Which is ____ (heavy), a whale or a lion?
    A whale is heavier than a lion.
  • What continent has got the ___ (many) countries?
    Africa has got the most countries (54 countries.)
  • Which city is ____ (rain), Dublin or London?
    Dublin is rainier than London.
  • Which is ___ (sweet), Coca Cola or orange juice?
    Coca Cola is sweeter than orange juice.
  • What is the ___ (populated) country in the world?
    China is the most populated country in the world. It has got 1.4 billion people.
  • Which is ___ (short), the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty?
    The Statue of Liberty (93m) is shorter than the Eiffel Tower (300m).
  • What is the ___ (popular) sport in the world?
    Football is the most popular sport in the world.
  • What city is ___ (close) to Madrid, Lisbon or Paris?
    Lisbon is closer to Madrid than Paris.
  • What is the ___ (tall) mountain in the world?
    Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
  • Which is ___ (deep), the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean?
    The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Which is ____ (expensive), a Peugeot car or a Lambourghini car?
    A Lambourghini car is more expensive than a Peugeot car.
  • What is the ___ (fast) animal in the world?
    The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
  • Which country has got ___ (many) international tourists, Germany or France?
    France has got more international tourists than Germany.
  • Who is _____ (young), Kevin Durant or Ariana Grande?
    Ariana Grande is younger than Kevin Durant. She is 28 years old, and he is 33 years old.
  • What is the ____ (cold) country in the world?
    Russia is the coldest country in the world.
  • Which is ___ (long), the Nile river or the Amazon river?
    The Nile is the longest river in the world.
  • What is the ____ (hot) place in the world?
    The hottest place in the world is Death Valley, California, U.S.A.
  • What country has got the ___ (large) number of tigers?
    India has got the largest number of tigers.
  • What is the ____ (large) ocean on Earth?
    The largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean.
  • What is the ___ (long) river in Spain?
    The Tagus (Tajo) River is the longest river in Spain.
  • Which are ___ (dangerous), lions or sharks?
    Lions are more dangerous than sharks.
  • Which country in the Europe Union has the ___ (big) population?
    Germany has the biggest population in the European Union. It has a population of 83 million people.
  • Which country is ___ (rich), Italy or Greece?
    Italy is richer than Greece.