
(CLC).test 7.Rewrite sentences based on the give ...

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  • 8. There/ an apple tree/ garden.
    There is an apple tree in the garden.
  • 4. Travelling/ train/ very/ interesting.
    Travelling by train is very interesting.
  • 9. I/ take/ an exam/ next week.
    I am going to take an exam next week.
  • 2. What/ you/ often/ do/ in/ free time?
    What do you often do in your free time?
  • 7. How/ money/ they/ have?
    How much money do they have?
  • 1. How/ it/ from/ Vietnam/ Malaysia?
    How far is it from Vietnam to Malaysia?
  • 6. How/ weather/ last week?
    How was the weather last week?
  • 3. We/ going/ play/ football/ tomorrow.
    We are going to play football tomorrow.
  • 10. It/ will/ windy/ tomorrow.
    It will be windy tomorrow.
  • 5. Do/ fancy/ play/ basketball/ us?
    Do you fancy playing basketball with us?