
Chapter 8: comprehension check

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  • What reason did Bassanio give Portia for having given his ring to the lawyer?
    He said that he had offered the lawyer 3000 ducats but he had refused the money and insisted on having the ring instead.
  • What good news was there for Antonio?
    Three of his ships were arrived back safely with their valuable cargoes.
  • What's the meaning of Graziano's sentence "I'm not going to worry about anything except looking after Nerissa's ring"?
    Love is what counts in life.
  • What did Portia give Bassanio to help explain the truth of the situation?
    The letter from doctor Bellario.
  • When Nerissa says, "I bet that clerk never grows a beard!", what does she mean?
    She is insinuating that the clerk Graziano gave the ring is a woman.
  • What did Portia give Bassanio to help explain the truth of the situation?
    The documents used for the trial, showing that Portia was the lawyer and Nerissa the clerk.
  • What was Graziano's first thought when he saw that Portia and Nerissa had the rings?
    That Nerissa had betrayed him with the clerk.
  • Why did Lorenzo and Jessica do while they were waiting for their friends to arrive?
    They were enjoying looking after Portia's house.
  • What was the good news for Jessica and Lorenzo?
    Jessica would inherit everything Shylock owned when he died.