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  • a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines
  • Why are robots popular in factories?
    because they can do the repetitive jobs that humans find difficult to do
  • How people can make robots work automatically?
    They programme them
  • What is one example of a robot in our daily home lives?
    a washing machine
  • Where can you find robots?
  • What kind of jobs do robots usually have to do?
    dull, dirty and dangerous
  • What is Robodex?
    it is the largest robot exhibition in the world
  • What do robots do in car factories?
    They put cars together
  • A machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically.
    A robot
  • What's another word for robot?
    intelligent machine
  • Why do we(humans) use robots?
    to make our work easier and quicker
  • to make something
    to produce
  • Why are robots used in volcanoes, in space or in the ocean?
    because these places are dangerous or impossible for humans to get to
  • Which country produces the most robots?
  • What is the purpose of the robots in the picture at the RoboCup?
    they are used for fun
  • Robots for manufacturing
    Industrial robots
  • A piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work.