
Life stages and events

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  • What does it mean "to pass away" ?
    to die
  • What does it mean "to settle down" ?
    2 meanings: To live in one place OR To get serious with a bf / gf, living together or married
  • What are some pros and cons of being retired?
    answers will vary: more free time, people respect elders, cons: health, losing friends, fixed income
  • What word is used to say 2 people will be married? They are _______.
  • What does it mean to be "middle aged"?
    People generally between 40 and 60
  • What words can be used to describe people who are grandparent aged... over 60 years. There are more than 1
    Elderly (polite) / old (can be rude) / senior citizen
  • What are pros and cons of being a teenager?
    answers will vary: not enough independence, more independence than kids, too much responsibility, school stress, free time for friends
  • What are significant things that often happen when a person is in his/her 20s?
    answers vary: finish University, get first job, first car, fall in love, have children, first apartments or homes
  • What words are used to describe the time a person is between the ages of 12 -18?
    Teenage, adolescent, puberty
  • In your opinion, what is the best age to be, and why?
    answers will vary: grammar must be solid
  • What are some more specific words used for babies?
    toddler, newborn, infant