
Remember 'to' or Remember '-ing'

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  • remember + remind me (past)
    I remember reminding you about the task last night.
  • remember + do the homework (future)
    Remember to do the homework after dinner.
  • remember + burn the trash (past)
    I remember burning the trash with you last night.
  • remember + wash clothes (future)
    I remember to wash the clothes after dinner
  • remember + lock the door (past)
    I remember locking the door before I went to EF.
  • remember + talk to him (future)
    I remember to talk to him before going to school tomorrow.
  • remember + sleep on the couch (past)
    I remember sleeping on the couch yesterday.
  • remember + go to the mall (past)
    I remember going to the mall last year with my boyfriend.
  • remember + fix the bicycle (future)
    Remember to fix your bicycle tomorrow.
  • remember + cook noodles (future)
    I remember to cook the noodles before tomorrow morning.