
Stuttering Quiz

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  • Is it ok to stutter?
    Yes! It is okay to stutter :)
  • Can you show us how it sounds to block?
    20 points if correct!
  • What happens to your speech machine when you stutter?
    You might get tension in one or more parts of your speech machine
  • Who stutters?
    People of all ages can stutter
  • Can you show us how it sounds to repeat sounds?
    20 points if correct!
  • What is stuttering?
    When someone repeats, lengthens or gets stuck on words or sounds in their speech.
  • Can you show us how it sounds to repeat words?
    20 points if correct?
  • Does stuttering happen because you are nervous or scared?
    No! It can happen at any time.
  • Do lots of people stutter?
    Yes! About 70 million people in the world stutter.