
Egyptian Gods

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  • Who is this?
    Nekhbet is the goddess of vultures
  • Who is this?
    Horus, called the Avenger, he was the son of Isis and Osiris.
  • Who is this?
    Sobek, The god of crocodiles
  • Who is this?
    Nephthys. The river goddess, wife of Set and the sister of Isis
  • Who is this?
    Shu, Nut’s father, the god of the air.
  • Who is this?
    Isis. Osiris’s wife. the goddess of magic
  • Who is this?
    Babi. Unlike the wise baboons of Thoth, Babi was the god of wild baboons
  • Who is this?
    Anubis the god of funerals was one of the most important gods.
  • Who is this?
    Geb and Nut. The god of the earth and the goddess of the sky.
  • Who is this?
    Set. The god of the desert, storms, and evil.
  • Who is this?
    Osiris, The first son of Geb and Nut, he was a wise and good pharaoh.
  • Who is this?
    Bast(et), the goddess of cats.
  • Who is this?
    Serqet. The goddess of scorpions
  • Who is this?
    Tawaret is the goddess of hippos
  • Who is this?
    Ra. The god of the sun, Ra was the first pharaoh
  • Who is this?
    Bes is god of dwarves, protector of households, mothers and children.
  • Who is this?
    Khonsu, the god of the moon