
Diet/Nutrition - Marta

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  • This balanced and healthy diet is based on the consumption of fish and seasonal and local products such as cereals, legumes, fruit and vegetables, and olive oil.
    mediterranean diet
  • Any form of sensitivity to a food that does NOT activate the immnue system is called __________? Ex: lactose, saccharose, and fructose
    food intolerance
  • This type of allergic reaction happens anywhere from a few minutes to an hour after consumption of even a small amount of a food allergen.
    immediate hypersensitivity reaction
  • This eating disorder is characterised by episodes of lack of food control, in which the sufferer eats large quantities of food compulsively.
  • Having excess fat in the body.
  • In 2014, the Spanish Ministry of Health began requiring certain information to be printed on food labels. Name 3 things that must be included on a food label.
    Answers will vary. Ex: name of the food, ingredients, any allergens, quantities of ingredients, net quantity of food, best-before date, etc.
  • This illness is produced by pathogenic microorganisms or toxins. The food is contaminated by inadequate manipulation, preparation, or conservation.
    food intoxications
  • This diet sould be followed by coeliac persons who cannot consume the protein present in some cereals such as wheat.
    gluten-free diet
  • An abnormal response by the immune system to specific components of food.
    food allergy
  • This type of diet avoids fats from, in particular, red meat and industrial pastries, which are high in saturated fat and harmful for health.
    low-cholesterol diets
  • This type of allergic reaction happens 24 hours or more after food has been consumed.
    delayed effect reaction
  • This diet is designed for people with high blood pressure, who must limit salt in their diet, and substitute it with other spices.
    low-salt diet
  • Weighing more than what is considered healthy is known as being ______?
  • This is caused by insufficient food consumption, which makes the body use its reserves.
  • BMI stands for _____________?
    Body Mass Index
  • This eating disorder is characterised by weight loss that the suffferer causes and continues, which leads to a state of extreme malnutrition.
    anorexia nervosa