
Simple Past Passive

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  • The police arrested the thieves.
    The thieves were arrested by the poilice.
  • Mr. Jones opened a shop.
    A shop was opened by Mr. Jones
  • Vincent van Gogh didn´t paint the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa wasn´t painted by Vincent van Gogh.
  • Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
    Five hamburgers were eaten by Tom and Max.
  • Ferdinand Santos wrote War and Peace.
    War and Peace was written by Ferdinand Santos.
  • I forgot the papers.
    The papers were forgotten by me.
  • He loved that woman.
    That woman was loved by him.
  • I decorated the living room .
    The living room was decorated by me.
  • Oliver taught the children.
    The children were taught by Oliver.
  • The dog bit the old lady.
    The old lady was bitten by the dog.
  • They didn't make their beds.
    Their beds weren´t made by them.
  • My brother invited Julie and Luke to a party.
    Julie and Luke were invited by my brother to a party.
  • My mom bought the furniture at a local market.
    The furniture was bought by my mom at a local market.
  • Jack swam the 200 metres.
    The 200 metres were swum by Jack.
  • We stopped the bus.
    The bus was stopped by us.
  • Somebody hit me.
    I was hit by somebody.
  • Luci found the key.
    The key was found by Lucia.
  • The class made mistakes.
    Mistakes were made by the class.