
P6 T2 Unit 2 Places

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  • a museum ... valuable things are kept and shown to the public.
    A museum is a place where valuable things are kept and shown to the public.
  • a park ... you can go in order to relax and enjoy yourself.
    A park is a place where you can go in order to relax and enjoy yourself
  • a market ... people can buy different things.
    A market is a place where people can buy different things.
  • What is a palace?
    A palace is a place where the king or queen lives.
  • A bus stop .... people wait for the bus.
    A bus stop is a place where people wait for the bus.
  • What is a park?
    A park is a place where you can go in order to relax and enjoy yourself.
  • What is a museum?
    A museum is a place where valuable thigns are kept and shown to the public.
  • church... people worship God.
    A church is a place where people worship God.
  • What is an airport?
    An airport is a place airplanes take off and land.
  • a cinema ... people watch movies
    A cinema is a place where people watch movies.
  • What is a cinema?
    A cinema is a place where people watch movies.
  • What is a market?
    A market is a place where you can buy different things.
  • a stadium ... people gather and watch sports or other events
    A stadium is a place where people gather and watch sports or other events.
  • an airport ... airplanes take off and land.
    An airport is a place where airplanes take off and land.