
Where was this mentioned?

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  • Untouched
    Samantha's prom dress looked clean and untouched after they washed it before the prom.
  • Prom dress
    Samantha's prom dress was something she wanted to bring with her, but couldn't.
  • Journal
    The whole reading is parts of Samantha's journal
  • Levee
    On August 30th, the levees broke and water spilled into the streets.
  • Hotel
    The family went to a hotel in Bossier City to hide from the hurricane.
  • Fortunate
    Samantha felt fortunate because she did not lose anyone that was important to her.
  • Necessity
    Samantha's mother asked her to only bring the necessities.
  • Evacuate
    Because the hurricane was coming, Samantha's family had to avacuate
  • Camper
    In September, Samantha's family had to move to a camper to live temporarily.
  • News
    At the hotel, they followed the news and were shocked about the hurricane's destruction.
  • Katrina
    It is the name of the hurricane
  • Bookshelf
    Samantha's put things on top of her bookshelf so they would be safe in case water got in.
  • paranoid
    Samantha mentioned her father was usually paranoid about distasters.
  • Mud
    When Samantha's family returned home, mud was everywhere.