
It's a Wrap! M20D6

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  • Create a sentence using the modal verb "might".
    Correct structure.
  • "I heard that Frank plans _______ from school because his grades are really awful." What phrasal verb goes in the space?
    [plans] to drop out
  • Create a sentence with the relative pronoun "that".
    Correct usage.
  • Complete with relative pronouns and guess the job: "a person ____ works in helping other people understand their finances."
    who - accountant
  • Create a sentence using the relative pronoun "which".
    Correct usage.
  • Complete with a fitting modal verb: "You _____ pay attention in class or you won't understand anything."
  • "My sister _____ behind her classmates and now she has to do her 10th year all over again." What's the phrasal verb that goes in the space?
    fell behind
  • "Rhonda _____ not come to class today, she texted me last night saying she was sick but I don't know how she's feeling today." What modal verb goes in the space?
  • "A professor is a person ____ teaches topics _____ are difficult for students to understand on their own and ____ they might need guidance with." Complete with the correct relative pronouns.
    who, which, that
  • "_____! I'm so excited that our favorite band is coming to town!" What acronym should go in the space?
  • "____, did you hear the news?" "____, what news? What did I miss?" What acronyms go in the spaces?
    btw, idk
  • Create a sentence using the phrasal verb "learn by heart".
    Correct structure and verb tense.
  • "Do you like sports?" Redo this question using the phrasal verb "be into"
    "Are you into sports?"
  • Create a sentence with the modal verb "must".
    Correct structure.