
Light and shadows

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  • What is our main source of light?
  • Look at the picture. Why does the tree make a shadow?
    The tree is opaque and it blocks the light.
  • Shadows can be ............. or ..................
    long or short
  • Mention 5 sources of light!
    Sun, lamp, candle, torch, stars
  • Look at the picture. How does light travel?
    Light travels in a straight path.
  • When the sun get lower in the sky, shadow get ............
  • It is daytime and you look behind you. You see your shadow. Now it is nighttime and when you look behind yourself you don’t see your shadow. What is the BEST reason that you don't see your shadow at night.
    You need a light source to see a shadow.
  • How does light help us see?
    We see things when light enters our eyes
  • When the shadows are shortest?
    in the middle of the day
  • Why we can not see in the dark?
    Because there is no light
  • If light hits something transparent, it will ..........
    pass through
  • What makes a shadow?
    Something blocks the light
  • Shadows come in different ............... and ...................
    shapes and sizes
  • A shadow is created when a light is absorbed by something transparent. True or False?
  • Mention 3 natural sources of light!
    Sun, Stars, Fire
  • When the sun get higher in the sky, shadows get ............