
Gossip Questions and Idioms

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  • Why do people like to gossip about the rich and famous?
  • What are some of the things you like to gossip about?
  • What are the most common topics for gossip?
  • Go on, SPILL THE BEANS, I want to know what happened.
    to tell people secret information
  • In the interview she DISHED THE DIRT on her ex-husband.
    to tell people unpleasant or shocking personal information about someone
  • I can never tell you anything. You're such a BLABBERMOUTH.
    a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people.
  • There must be something going on, we need to DIG UP SOME DIRT.
    discover and reveal damaging information about someone.
  • WORD ON THE STREET is that he is going to propose to her.
    information that is currently spreading from person to person, often at work or school
  • Where do people usually like to gossip?
  • Do you think gossip can be used for something good?
  • What are some ways which gossip can be harmful?
  • Nope you're not going to get it out of me. MY LIPS ARE SEALED.
    said when you are promising to keep a secret
  • Why do you think people like to gossip?
  • Mate, do I have some JUICY GOSSIP for you!
    information that is especially interesting because it is shocking or personal.
  • HER EARS MUST BE BURNING now we've spoken about her.
    something that you say to someone who is being talked about
  • Why is it considered that women gossip more than men?
  • I promised her I would keep it a secret and TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE with me.
    never reveal a secret
  • She did a KISS AND TELL for that gossip magazine.
    to talk to the media about a relationship with a famous person in order to get money