
B2 First U5 Countable and uncountable opinions

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  • It´s difficult to make decisions on how to eat healthily because there are _________ different opinions.
    many, too many, a lot of
  • People who consume______ calories are more likely to become overweight.
    many, a lot
  • _______________ people have unhealthy diets because they are not educated about healthy eating at school.
    a large amount of, many , a lot of
  • People who have _______ sleep every night tend to have poorer concentration.
    little, a small quantity of
  • ___________fashion magazines give a false impression of men and women in their photos.
    many, a lot of , several
  • Diets, such as those where ______you eat or no meat for example, are not a good idea.
    little, a small amount of , a smalll quantity of
  • Doing ________ exercise doesn’t necessarily make you a healthy person.
    a great deal of, a little, a large/small amount of, too much, a lot of
  • _________fat in your diet is necessary.
    a little, a small amount of
  • ________children do less exercise now than in the past.
  • If you have________friends who look after themselves, you are more likely to do so too.
    a large number of, many, a lot of
  • Eating ________one particular thing is not as good as having a varied diet.
    a great deal of, a large amount of, a large quantity of, too much, a lot of
  • Due to the__________ information available these day, there is no excuse for eating badly.
    great deal of, large amount of , large quantity of
  • Compared to 20 years ago, there is now_____ choice when it comes to food.
    a great deal of , a large amount of , too much, a lot of
  • _________ men worry about their weight because they are generally happy with their appearance.
    few, not many
  • ________coffee can seriously affect your natural sleep patterns.
    a great deal of, large amount of , a large quantity of, too much, a lot of