
Transformacje 3 part 1

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  • 1. I never get up late. I always ​………………………………………………………​ .
    get up early
  • 3. “Excuse me, where’s the hotel?” Excuse me, do you know where ​………………………………………………………​ ?
    the hotel is
  • 7. It wasn’t necessary to buy the tickets in advance. We didn’t ​………………………………………………………​ the tickets in advance.
    need to /have to buy
  • 5. Teenagers mustn’t smoke cigarettes. Teenagers aren’t ​………………………………………………………​ cigarettes.
    allowed to smoke
  • 8. You are too short to work in the fashion industry. You aren’t ​………………………………………………………​ work in the fashion industry
    tall enough to
  • 10.They ate dinner before I came. By the time I came they ​………………………………………………………​ dinner.
    had already eaten
  • 6. Don’t say anything. It’s too late. It’s too ​………………………………………………………​ anything.
    late to say
  • 4. No one has written a novel for a year. A novel ​………………………………………………………​ for a year!
    hasn’t been written
  • 2. The last time I saw you was two weeks ago. I haven’t ​………………………………………………………​ two weeks.
    seen you for
  • 9. I do a lot of sports because I want to keep fit. I want to keep fit ​………………………………………………………​ a lot of sports.
    so I do