
Double Trouble: The Compound Sentence

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  • The part that names the person, place, thing, quality, or idea that the sentence is about is called the...
  • *By mistake the ice man turned down the freezer all the ice melted.* Punctuate this sentence (hint: there should be two punctuation marks)
    mistake, and either ; or ,so
  • What are the two ways a writer can join two independent clauses?
    a semicolon and a comma and a FANBOYS (coordinating conjunction)
  • What is the minimum number of independent clauses needed for a compound sentence?
  • A simple sentence contains....
    either a subject and a verb OR an independent clause
  • *The water rose and then receded.* Should a comma be added to this sentence? Y/N Why or Why not?
    It's a simple sentence: SVV
  • The part that shows the action or state of being is called the....
  • *Buy that shirt, ________ it looks amazing on you!* Which FANBOYS BEST completes the sentence? FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO
  • Finish the following sentence using the provided FANBOYS and an independent clause: The baby did not cry, nor
    any various answer containing a subject and a verb and a not/negative
  • List the FANBOYS
    for and nor but or yet so
  • Which acronym is used to remember the coordinating conjunctions?
  • 1 like Bill, _____________ sometimes he is too overwhelming. Which FANBOYS BEST completes the sentence? FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO
  • *The Angels got crearned by the Devils for the Devils are a better team.* Should this be punctuated? Y/N Why? + What is the sentence formula?
    Yes, comma after Devils (it's a compound sentence - SV, cc/F SV
  • The fire was caused by the candles, ________ it began with a careless match. Which FANBOYS BEST completes the sentence? FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO
  • *Dr. Lee teaches math; his wife teaches history* How many independent clauses are in this sentence?
  • Finish the following sentence using the provided FANBOYS and an independent clause: The president called for peace, but...
    various answers must include at least one subject and one verb