
Beginning of the year review!

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  • Spell this word!
  • How much does this coin cost?
    25 cents
  • What is a noun?
    A person, place, thing, or animal
  • How much does a dime cost?
    10 cents
  • Solve this problem: 64+89
  • Mrs. Hilt spent 25 cents on one caramel apple and 15 cents on one ice cream cone. How much more did the apple cost?
    10 cents more
  • Spell this word!
  • Solve this problem: 48+72
  • Max has an 8-hour shift today. Kerri works for 6 hours today. How many hours do they work in total?
    14 hours in all
  • What is an adjective?
    A description word!
  • Spell this word
  • What is a verb?
    An action word!
  • What coin is this?
  • Solve this problem: 15+26
  • Is this picture a noun, verb, or adjective?
  • Is this picture a noun, verb, or adjective?
    A dog is a noun!
  • Spell this word!
  • Joan found 16 dolls in the toy box and 4 dolls under Jenna’s bed. How many dolls did Jenna have?
    20 dolls
  • How much does 1 quarter, 2 dimes, and 1 penny cost?
    46 cents
  • Solve this problem: 55+17
  • Spell this word!
  • How much does this coin cost?
    5 cents
  • Solve this problem: 24+38
  • There are 14 goldfish in a water tank. Kerri put in 23 more goldfish in the tank. How many goldfish are there?
    37 goldfish
  • Mrs. Hilt met 15 friends. Nine of the friends were carrying pears. The rest were carrying oranges. How many friends were carrying oranges?
    6 friends were carrying oranges