
Winter Figurative Language

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  • As I walked through the winter cold, my hands were ice cubes.
    Metaphor; Hands were freezing
  • The snowflakes were like cotton balls falling from the sky.
    Simile; The snow looked soft and fluffy
  • I didn't know many people at the winter party, so I tried to break the ice with a girl who was sitting alone.
    Idiom; To make others feel comfortable by starting a conversation
  • John knew that he was skating on thin ice with his teacher by not doing his project before the winter break.
    Idiom; In a risky position
  • The winter sun is shy and hides from the world.
    Personification; The sun hides and it is darker earlier in the winter.
  • The snow was like frosting on the roof of the small cottage. It was glistening in the light.
    Simile, It was thick and white on top of the house
  • The cold air was like sharp fingernails scraping my skin.
    Simile; Cold air was sharp, harsh, crisp
  • The snowball was as cannonball as it flew out of my hand.
    Metaphor; It was moving quickly through the air
  • I heard the crisp air laughing at me as I stood at the bus stop with no coat on.
    Personification; It was very cold outside and she didn’t wear a jacket, so it felt as though the cold was mocking her.
  • During my winter break, it started to snow out of the blue. It was a great surprise.
    Idiom; Surprise/out of no where