
dates and years

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  • How do you say the date: 22nd November
    the twenty - second of November
  • What ordinal number is this?
  • How do you say the year: 1975
    nineteen seventy five
  • What ordinal number is this?
  • How do you say the year: 1880
    eighteen eighty
  • What ordinal number is this?
  • What ordinal number is this?
  • How do you say the date: 13th December
    the thirteenth of December
  • How do you say the year: 2019
    twenty nineteen
  • What ordinal number is this?
  • How do you say ordinal numbers from 6th-10th
    sixth, seventh, eighth, nineth, tenth
  • How do you say the year: 2004
    two thousands four
  • How do you say ordinal numbers from 26th-31st
    twenty-sixth, twenty- seventh, twenty- eighth, twenty- nine, thirtieth, thirty-first
  • How do you say the date: 23rd July
    the twenty-third of July
  • How do you say ordinal numbers from 11th-15th
    eleventh, twelve, thirteenth, fourteenth,fifteenth