
Vocabulary Definitions

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  • fungus
    a simple organism, or living thing, that is neither a plant nor an animal
  • radiation
    energy that moves from one place to another. Light, sound, heat, and X-rays are examples of radiation.
  • particle
    a tiny amount or small piece of something
  • deforestation
    the clearing, or cutting down, of forests
  • to edit
    to correct, revise, and get ready for publication
  • calf
    can mean either a baby cow or bull, or the area of the back of your leg between your ankle and knee
  • waste (noun)
    unwanted or unusable materials
  • conservation
    the act of keeping and protecting from waste, loss, or destruction.
  • bamboo
    a name used for many types of tall, treelike grasses.
  • microwaves
    are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths longer than those of infrared light, but shorter than those radio waves.
  • longitudinal waves
    wave which travels in the same direction as the disturbance that caused it.
  • electron
    a very small particle that has a negative charge of electricity and travels around the nucleus of an atom
  • early bird
    one who gets up early in the morning.
  • to beam
    to send out beams of light
  • to analyze
    to study (something) closely and carefully
  • transverse waves
    wave which travels at a right angle to the direction of disturbance which caused it
  • species
    the most detailed form of classification of living things
  • schedule (noun)
    a plan of things that need to be done and the times they will be done
  • data
    a collection of information
  • habitat
    a place that an animal lives.
  • genes
    are found in DNA and carry the information that determines your traits
  • to migrate
    to move from one region into another
  • wavelength
    the distance between wave peaks.
  • vulnerable
    able to be hurt or injured.
  • to modify
    to change or transform, but only slightly.
  • to waste (verb)
    to spend or use carelessly or uselessly
  • beam (noun)
    a ray of light.
  • solar power
    power generated directly from sunlight.
  • climate change
    the long-term changes in global temperatures and other characteristics of the atmosphere.
  • crop
    a plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit or subsistence
  • DNA
    the material that carries all the information about how a living thing will look and function. ... DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid.
  • plastic
    an artificial substance made from certain kinds of chemicals that can be easily shaped when soft.
  • amplitude
    a measure of the wave's height.
  • zombie
    a mythical dead person who has returned to life as a walking corpse.
  • to protect
    to defend or keep safe
  • to recycle
    the activity of processing things so that they can be used again. ·
  • Endangered
    a species of plant or animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.
  • council
    a group of people that gathers for the purpose of giving advice or making decisions.
  • chemical
    a substance that has specific properties or characteristics we can use to identify it
  • to increase
    to make larger or more numerous.
  • cruise ship
    a large ship with sleeping cabins and other facilities that takes people on holiday and vacation trips.
  • fingernail
    the hard covering at the end of a finger.
  • night owl
    one who regularly stays up late at night, or who prefers to work at night
  • extinct
    no longer existing.