
ice breakers

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  • What is your dream job? Why?
  • What season is your favorite and why?
  • If you could have an endless supply of any food, what food would it be? Why?
  • Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you want to learn?
  • What kind of food don't you like? Why?
  • What is a skill or talent you have always wanted? Why?
  • What's your favorite day of the week? Why?
  • If you could visit any country in the world, where would you visit and why?
  • What is your most and least favorite subjects? Why?
  • If you had a time machine, would you go to the past or the future? Why?
  • If you could hang out with any character from a movie, game, tv show, etc, who would it be and why?
  • Do you prefer in-person or zoom classes? Why
  • What's your favorite room in the house? Why?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • What is the best thing you have received as a gift?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • Do you have a pet? If not what would you want to have?
  • When was the last time you went on holiday? Where did you go?