
2022 - Tiger Year

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  • Write a fact about tigers, using PASSIVE VOICE.
  • Tigers urine smells like buttered popcorn. True of False?
  • Where do tigers live? List 2 habitats for tiger.
    jungles, rain forests, grasslands, savannas, mangrove swamps,...
  • Can a tiger mate with a lion? If yes, what would be the name of their child?
    Yes, they can. Their child is called Liger or Tigon.
  • Are tiger endangered animals that are close to distinction?
    True. The South China tiger is believed to be functionally extinct.
  • Do tigers hate water, just like cats do? Do they know how to swim?
    No, they are great swimmers.
  • Tigers can see when they're born. True or false?
    False. Tigers are born blind and only open their eyes 1-2 weeks after birth.
  • Name a song/poem/literature about tiger.
  • Are tigers cats or dogs?
    They're the largest species of cats.
  • Do tigers live in groups?
    No, tigers are solitary animals.
  • List out 5 body parts of a tiger.
    tail, fang, tooth, claws, whiskers,...
  • How do Vietnamese call "tiger"?
    Cọp, hổ,...
  • Tell us a fairy tale or a fable about tigers.
  • Which year was the last tiger year?
  • List 5 ADJECTIVES to describe a tiger in ten seconds.
    fierce, angry, dangerous, toothy, ferocious, striped, endangered,...
  • How do you call a female tiger and a baby tiger?
    Tigress and Tiger cub.
  • How long does a tiger live?
    20-26 years
  • Write a sentence about tigers using COMPARISONS.