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  • Who founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s?
    Richard Branson
  • Who is the Dragon's Den Entrepreneur?
    Deborah Meaden
  • Who is the American singer?
  • What is the name of the person who developed the character Mickey Mouse?
    Walt Disney
  • Who is the US President?
    Donald Trump
  • Who was honoured in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta?
    Mother Teresa
  • Who served 27 years in prison in South Africa?
    Nelson Mandela
  • Who is this 'Queen of Pop'?
  • Who is the female dragon?
    Hilary Devey
  • Who might fire you on The Apprentice?
    Sir Alan Sugar
  • Who was the founder of modern nursing?
    Florence Nightingale
  • Who had a dream?
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Who are the famous mother and father of Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz & Harper?
    Victoria and David Beckham