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  • What is the largest toothed predator in the world?
    sperm whale
  • What are the only plants that live in the ocean?
  • What Biome would you find a tiger shark?
    You would find a tiger shark in the Oceans.
  • What biome would you find a lion?
    The Savannah
  • Which bird lays the largest egg?
  • Kangaroos and polar bears share what unusual trait?
    They're almost exclusively left-handed
  • Name three apex predators
    Killer whales, Great white sharks and lions are three Apex predators
  • What biome would you find a penguin?
    The biome you would find a penguin is the Tundra.
  • Name a type of Owl
    Barn Owls, Snow Owls, Horned Owls,
  • What is the largest unexplored biome on the planet Earth?
    The Oceans are the largest unexplored biome on the planet Earth.
  • The Hyrax is a 2-5kg African and middle eastern mammal, very similar to a marmot or a weasel. What species are they most closely related to?
    Elephants and/or manatees
  • Which single mammal species on Earth makes up the largest biomass?
    Cows, over 650 million tonnes
  • Which bird lays the smallest egg proportional to its body size?