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  • What was the shepherds' reaction to the angel who visited them?
    they were afraid
  • A "host of angels" sang to the shepherds on the night of Jesus' birth. True or False.
  • Who was the prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel?
  • "Joy to the Word!" sing the next 2 lines.
    The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King!
  • What sign were the shepherds supposed to look for when searching for Jesus?
    a baby lying in a manger
  • "Hark, now hear the angels sing, a King was born today." Read the next 2 lines.
    And man will live forevermore, because of Christmas Day
  • "Jesus loves me this I know." Read the next 3 lines.
    For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but He is strong.
  • What guided the wise men to find Jesus?
    a star
  • What does the name Immanuel mean?
    “God with us.”
  • Who followed a star to find baby Jesus?
    the wise men
  • Why were Mary and Joseph unable to stay in an inn?
    there was no room for them
  • "Hark the herald angels sing," read the next line.
    Glory to the newborn King!
  • What gifts did the wise men bring to baby Jesus?
    gold, incense, and myrrh
  • Hark the herald angels sing. Glory to the newborn King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild." Read the next line.
    God and sinners reconciled.
  • In what city was Jesus born?
  • The Bible says Jesus was born in December. True or False.
    False. (The Bible does not state the exact date of Jesus’ birth.)
  • Who visited the Joseph, Mary, and Jesus on the night He was born?
  • "Hark, now hear the angels sing." Read the next line.
    a King was born today
  • How many wise men brought gifts to Jesus?
    it is not mentioned in the Bible