
Weathering and Erosion

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  • Chemical Weathering is
    Rocks break down due to chemical reaction
  • What is weathering
    Process of rocks breaking down into pieces
  • What is called when mud slides down a hill
    Mud flow or Mudslide
  • What causes minerals on rocks to dissolve
  • What are the 3 layers of soil
    A Horizon, B Horizon, and C Horizon
  • How does ice break rocks down?
    The water in the rocks freezes and expands, forcing a crack to widen
  • What is humus
    Dark colored substance formed by dead plants and animals
  • What is it called when rocks slide down a hill
    Rock slide
  • What is Oxidation
    oxygen reacts to rocks and metals causing a chemical reaction
  • Abrasion is
    Water and wind carry particles to scrap the surface of rocks
  • Mechanical Weathering is
    Physical forces break down rocks
  • How do plants cause weathering
    The roots put pressure on the rocks
  • What is an example of water erosion?
    Gullies, Rivers, Streams, Runoff, or Watershed.
  • Oxygen and Iron can form
  • Erosion is
    Removal of weathered material
  • What are the 2 main types of weathering
    Mechanical and Chemical