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  • What did the young man win?
    He won a silver medal.
  • What did the horse jump over?
    They jumped over the gates and over water.
  • Where did Peter go on Monday morning?
    He went to the gymnastics competition.
  • What do you need to sail fast?
    You need a boat and huge sails.
  • What did they watch yesterday morning?
    They watched the cycling compatition.
  • What is the weather like at the International Games?
    It's very good. It is getting hotter and hotter.
  • What did they watch yesterday afternoon?
    They watched the show jumping
  • When is the skiing competition?
    The skiing competition is in December.
  • What was the weather like on Tuesday?
    It was windy.
  • Who is Peter writing to?
    Peter is writing to his grandma
  • What did the cyclist go round?
    The cyclist went round and round the track
  • What sport is old?
    Jugo is an old sport.
  • Are Peter and his parents having a great time at the International Games?
    Yes, they are
  • What do people wear for judo?
    They wear big white trousers and jackets for judo.
  • Where do people travel to for skiing?
    They travel to the mountains.