
Days of the Week

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  • What is the last day of week in America? (ATRUDYAS)
    Saturday is the last day of the week.
  • What is the second day of week in America?
    Monday is the second day of the week.
  • What day is the fifth day of the week in America? (HURTDSAY)
    Thursday is the fifth day of the week in America!
  • What day is the 6th day of the week in America? (UNSDAY)
    Saturday is the 6th day of the week in America!
  • What is the 3rd day of the week in America? (USEDAYT)
    Tuesday is the 3rd day of the week.
  • What day is the 5th day of the week in America? (IRFYAD)
    Friday is the 5th day of the week in America!
  • What day is the fourth day of the week in America? (EDNWSEDAY)
    Wednesday is the fourth day of the week in America.