
Digestive system

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  • Which part of the digestive system is this?
  • True or false? The small intestine is where water is absorbed into the body.
    False - it's the large intestine!
  • Name three parts of our digestive system.
    Any of: mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intenstine, anus, rectum, teeth.
  • After the stomach, what is the next stage of the digestive system?
    Into the small intestine!
  • Humans have 8 types of teeth. True or false?
    False! We have 3: canines, molars and incisors.
  • Give three ways of looking after your teeth.
    Three of: brushing teeth twice a day, flossing teeth, drinking water, using toothpaste, visiting the dentist, eating the right foods, staying away from sugar!
  • What does the stomach do with food?
    It breaks the food down.
  • What is digestion?
    The act of softening and changing food so the body can absorb it and use it for energy and growth.
  • Are humans herbivores, omnivores or carnivores? Explain why.
  • What kind of teeth do carnivores have?
    Canines - they are suited to tearing meat.
  • How long does it take for our chewed food to reach our stomach?
    10 seconds
  • What does saliva do?
    Helps our food to go down the oesophagus
  • True or false? The digestive system starts with the oesophagus.
    False - it's the mouth!
  • What is the name of the pipe that transports food into our stomach?
    It's the oesophagus!
  • What is the name for the things in our body that have very specific jobs?
  • We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. True or false?