
English Quiz by Izzi English

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  • What is the English word for tahayul?
  • What is the meaning of : massive?
    Super big
  • What is the opposite of deep?
  • Finish the saying : An apple a day .....
    keeps the doctor away
  • What do you spray or apply on your skin when you don't want to be beaten by mosquitoes?
    Insect repellent
  • When something is just avarege, it is :
  • What is the English of PBB?
    United Nations
  • If someone is pulling your leg, what does that mean?
    They are just joking
  • What is the opposite of clumsy?
  • If you don't want to disturb your friend and they boyfriend / girlfriend, you don't want to be a :
    Third wheel
  • When something is very clean, it is :
  • What is the noun of : Important?
  • How do the Australians say hello?
    G'day mate
  • What is the English word for pedagang kaki Lima?
    Street vendors
  • Finish this saying : Money doesn't grow on :
  • What is the English language of : guling?
    Dutch wife / bolster