
What's the Cat Doing? Part 2

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  • How does that cat feel?
    It's sleepy/tired.
  • What is the cat doing?
    It's taking a bath.
  • How does the cat feel?
    It feels happy!
  • What does the cat use to move the frog?
    It uses its tail.
  • What do you use to wave with?
    I use my hand/arm to wave.
  • What do you call the cat's hands?
    They are called paws.
  • What is above the orange cat?
    The gray cat.
  • Is the cat using the laptop or tablet?
    It's using the laptop.
  • How does the cat feel?
    The cat feels angry.
  • What do you use to eat with?
    I use my mouth to eat with.
  • Is the cat excited?
    No, its tired.
  • Is the cat moving his eyes or ears?
    It's moving his eyes.
  • What happened to the dog?
    It fell off the couch/sofa.
  • How does the dog feel?
    It's surprised!
  • How does the Patrick feel?
    He is hungry
  • What is do you use to read with? Your eyes or ears?
    I use my eyes to read.
  • What is the cat doing?
    It's sleeping.