
AJ2 - Revision unit 2

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  • Name 3 insects.
  • What's this?
    It's a jellyfish.
  • What's this?
    It's a tortoise.
  • What has it got? Name 2 body parts.
    It's got a tail and fur.
  • What can it do? Is it fast or slow?
    It can run fast.
  • Name 3 mammals.
  • What can it do? Is it big or small?
    It can fly. It is small.
  • What has it got? Name 2 body parts.
    It's got fins and scales.
  • What has it got? Name 2 body parts.
    It's got two wings and feathers.
  • What's this?
    It's a ladybird.
  • Name 3 reptiles.
  • What can it do? Is it fast or slow?
    It can crawl. It is slow.
  • What can it do? Is it big or small?
    It can swim. It is big.