
[Cx3] Unit 4B - Health Problems

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  • "What's her problem?" - "She has a ____".
  • Judy is feeling sick. I hope she ____ _____ soon.
    gets better / feels better
  • Suzie has a _________. Her dentist told her she should eat less candy and floss every day.
  • She worked hard helping her friend move. Now, she has a ________.
  • 39ºC? He has a _________. You should take him to the doctor.
    fever / temperature
  • Andrew was riding his bike and fell on the street. Now, he has a ______ ___.
    broken arm
  • Clark has a ______ _________. His mom is taking him to the doctor at lunchtime.
    sore throat
  • Luke has a __________. He ate too much during lunch.
  • John had to go home because he had a very strong _________.
  • He has a _____ in his _______.
    pain - chest
  • Look at her. She clearly has ________.
    the flu / a cold
  • Joe is quite sick. He should ___ ____ _____.
    get some rest
  • "Atchoo"
    Bless You
  • Judy is having a difficult pregnancy. She's throwing up all the time.
    throwing up
  • TAKING MEDICINE - Name three types of medicine.
    painkillers, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory
  • John: "My arm _____"
  • Poor Thomas. He is really ____.
    sick / ill
  • Tom looks really funny when he is ____________.