
Ancient China Review

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  • Which Chinese invention would be most helpful for a sailor trying to find their way on the open seas?
  • Name three dangers of traveling the Silk Road
    Mountains, deserts, and bandits
  • This natural barrier separates India and China
    Himalayan Mountains
  • This style of government relies on a strong leader, strict laws, and harsh punishment to create social order
  • Which Chinese religion believes the way to happiness is a simple life and emphasizes nature?
  • China's first dynasty, practiced ancestor worship
  • The Yellow River is also called the _______________ River.
    Huang He River
  • This is what gave the ruler the right to rule by Heaven and had to have high moral standards to keep that right
    Mandate of Heaven
  • This dynasty might just be legend because no physical archaeological evidence exists
  • This is the longest river in Asia
    Yangtze River
  • These were written on by priests to ask ancestors questions
    oracle bones
  • Why was the Great Wall built?
    to protect against nomadic invaders from the north
  • What makes the Yellow River yellow?
    Loess- fertile yellow soil
  • When nobles, or lords, are given land and peasants farm that land in return for protection
  • During the Han Dynasty, the government was run by the ____________. This means people took a test to get a job.
    Civil Service
  • During the Han Dynasty, the _________ helped spread culture and ideas, as well as goods.
    Silk Road
  • Selecting people for a job based on their ability
  • How did China's Yellow River get the nickname the River of Sorrows?
    Devastating floods bring sorrow
  • Family who lived long ago
  • Which Chinese religion emphasizes good moral character and the Golden Rule?
  • Which Chinese religion began in India and spread to China because of missionaries?