
fig lang/ prefixes

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  • What does the word reiterate mean in this sentence? "My dad had to reiterate to my brother he could not stay up to midnight on a school night"
    tell him again
  • Which root word does not go with the prefix mis- a. Misjudge b. Misuse C.Misalarm D. misunderstand
  • How is a hyperbole different from a personification?
    Hyperbole is an exaggeration, a personification gives human qualities to non-human objects or ideas.
  • over- means
    too much
  • Turn this metaphor into a simile: My baby brother is a cute teddy bear.
    My baby brother is as cute as a teddy bear
  • Make a hyperbole using the word: A billion
    It took me a billion years to finish my homework
  • What figurative language is this? The car ice skated across the slippery streets.
  • What figurative language is this? Ice cream is happiness in a bowl
  • under means
    not enough
  • What does the word "overcast" mean in this sentence? The weather was extremely overcast today, I'm not sure we even saw the sun.
    over=too much, so too much cloudy weather.
  • Pre means?
  • What figurative language is this? The tulips nodded their heads in the wind.
  • dis means
  • mis means?
  • How is a simile different from a metaphor?
    a simile compares two things using like or as a metaphor compares two things without like or as
  • Which root word does not go with the prefix pre- A. Pretest B. Predict C. Prepare D. Prestand
  • Make a personification using these two words: trees, danced
    E.g. the trees danced in the wind.
  • re-means
  • how is an alliteration different from an onomatopoeia?
    alliteration-starts with the same sound, Onomatopeia makes a sound