
City and Village

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  • Do cities or villages have long streets?
    Cities have long streets.
  • Do cities or villages have tall buildings?
    Cities have tall buildings.
  • Do cities or villages have short streets?
    Villages have short streets.
  • Where does the mayor work?
    They work in the town hall?
  • What word has the same meaning as village?
  • Who helps the mayor?
    Councilors help the mayor.
  • Do cities or villages have wide streets?
    Cities have wide streets.
  • The police, health services, cleaning services are examples of...?
    Municipal services
  • What is a city?
    Tall buildings, many people, long streets.
  • which has more public transportation, cities or villages?
  • What is a village?
    less people, shorter buildings and streets.
  • What does the Spanish flag look like? Draw on the board
  • Do cities or villages have a lot of people?
    Cities have a lot of people.
  • Who is the head of a municipality?
    A mayor
  • Do cities or villages have short buildings?
    Villages have short buildings.
  • What is a group of villages called?